Monday, 19 March 2018

Skinny jeans head to head in pictures. ASOS, Blend Flurry, H&M, Dr.Denim Lexy and Kissy (blue & bleached black).

I now have too many pairs of skinny jeans so I can't choose which ones I want to use. However, I keep discovering new and nicer ones but I still end up going back to the same ones to wear. 

I am looking to review about 40 different types / colours of skinny jeans during the Spring of 2018 with photos of all of them (more or less).

Here are a few pictures, comparing some different makes of skinny jeans to give an idea of what they would look like side by side:

Dr Denim Kissy dark wash blue (M) vs Dr Denim Lexy (L) dark stone (blue):
Kissy                                              Lexy


The Lexy dark stone has a real cute half Chinese looking girl with blonded hair as the modell - gorgeous legs - just had to say it. The Lexys have front pockets:
The Kissy's have a male model but they don't have open front pockets (but the Dixys do - with less choice is colours for the Dixy types):
The Kissys have softest material, more elastane content (5% usually) so are the most stretchy of the Dr Denim jeans, so it's feasible to go a size down to medium in my case but the Lexys have the same ankle opening or a couple of mm smaller -even  in "large" - which is not large I can assure you! Both are gorgeous ultra skinny jeans.

ASOS Leather Look Sack Super Skinny synthetic vs ASOS Leather Look Black Extreme Super Skinny denim: 

ASOS Leather Look Black Extreme Super Skinny vs Dr Denim Kissy Bleached Black:

Same again, with Dr Denim Bleached black on right and left, leather look denim ASOS in middle, two favourites:

Bleached black Dr Denim Kissy jeans ones are fabulous in my view: can fit into large or even medium for tightest fit. Not quite as soft a material as the blues above though, so the blues in medium are a bit more comfortable than the bleached black ones.


  1. Hi Dave, amazing!... just got myself a pair of Dr Denim lexy, what an fab fit they are :)

    1. Glad you like the fit - I have far too many of them now! I have to stop. I seem to have a collection and don't know which to try. It's the first time I have had too many of any clothing, so I' a bit of a skinny jeans addict evidently. I have loads more pictures to post so I should get them up on here.


Best ever skinny jeans girl model. WWF.

Lose the pandas!